Due to COVID-19, most court functions in the state have been suspended. In addition, our office is working remotely. For assistance, please email esr@mmzlaw.com with your contact information and the legal matter you need help with and someone will be in touch. If you are seeking help regarding a Will, Financial, or Health Care Power of Attorney, every effort will be made to respond as quickly as possible.

Exploring the Secure and Flexible World of Limited Liability Partnerships

An image of two people wearing suits and shaking hands.

Starting a new business comes with challenges and many major decisions, including choosing the right business structure. Entrepreneurs have several options, including sole proprietorships, corporations, and partnerships. Among these, limited liability partnerships (LLPs) stand out for their unique blend of flexibility and security. This blog post aims to guide you through what an LLP is, … Read more

Why Should I Navigate the Maze of Business Taxes in PA with a Tax Attorney?

A person is working on a computer with their left hand and a calculator with their right hand.

Imagine that you are a successful business owner in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. You have just celebrated your third year of business, marking it with another year of growth and expansion. Your company has grown from a small startup to a thriving enterprise, and you have been meticulously managing your books, ensuring every financial detail is in order, including all your business taxes.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a “notice of audit” from the IRS lands in your mailbox. Suddenly, you are unsure if you have made mistakes on your tax returns or overlooked any crucial deductions. The complexity of federal and Pennsylvania-specific tax laws now seems daunting, and the prospect of potential tax penalties becomes terrifying.

This scenario underscores the necessity for a tax attorney. A tax attorney can guide you through the audit process, ensure your business is accurately represented before the IRS, and negotiate settlements if necessary. Without this expert assistance, you risk misunderstanding tax laws and facing hefty fines that could jeopardize the future of your business.

Whether running a small business or a large corporation, dealing with business taxes can be daunting. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, understanding the complexity of tax law is vital to ensure your business stays on the right side of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). To help navigate these intricate laws, you should consider consulting with a business tax attorney.

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Ask These 4 Questions Before Hiring a Business Lawyer in Lancaster, PA

A lawyer holding a pen reviews a contract with a businessperson.

There are many circumstances in which you might need the services of a business lawyer in Lancaster, PA. Perhaps you’re naming your small business or choosing its legal structure. You might be drafting business contracts or other legal documents. Or you may need help with legal matters surrounding a lease of commercial property, a particular … Read more

5 Tips for Implementing an Effective Work from Home Policy

While working from home, or telecommuting, has become increasingly popular in many workplaces, COVID-19 has now made it a necessity for many organizations. As we continue to adapt to the new normal both during and after the pandemic, it’s clear that allowing employees to work from home will become a more common practice. However, as … Read more

Searching for a Business Attorney: What is Important to Business Owners?

In today’s complex business environment, having sound legal advice can help ensure long-term success for your business. This is especially true if you are a new business owner or going through structural or ownership changes.

If you are looking to employ legal counsel for your business, an important step is finding the right business attorney. This is an important process as he or she will be a key partner and guide you in certain business decisions.

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IRS Sets 2018 Mileage Reimbursement Rate for Travel

Every year the IRS issues its Standard Mileage Reimbursement Rate, which determines the amount that can be used as a tax deduction for business travel. It also serves as a guideline for employers who reimburse their employees for miles driven. Standard Mileage Reimbursement Rate for 2018 As of January 1, 2018, the rate has been … Read more